Emergency Management Plan
Documents Related to our Emergency Management Plan Below:
Billanook Primary School Emergency Management Plan 2023 – 2024
The BPS Emergency Management Plan covers all potential emergency management situations, not just fire. We annually update this and send it to DET for approval.
Billanook Primary School is on the DET ‘Bushfire At Risk Register’, along with most schools in this area. This means we must close on days forecasted by the Bureau of Meteorology as Catastrophic FDR in their fire weather district. We are assured we would receive warnings of potential Catastrophic days several days prior. The closures will be generated through DET, determined by the Emergency Management Commissioner, based on Bureau of Meteorology reports. This is not purely temperature based.
Our Shelter-In-Place is the Multipurpose Complex which according to the information received from DET is our safe place for all students. It is also large enough to accommodate all staff and students with tank water, toilets and several break out room spaces for students if required.
Parent pick up will be activated by advice from CFA and DET Emergency Management advice and parents will be notified via Compass and/or phone as to how and when to pick up children. We have a phone not reliant on a power source for this purpose and a phone tree with staff designated for specific families.
As a school we have a yearly planner of evacuation drills so our students and staff are very familiar with how and when they move to the prescribed areas depending on whether we practice internal, external or lockdown procedures. The idea behind extensive drill practice is to ensure confidence in the procedures and less chance of panic should a real situation develop.
We regularly place emergency management information in the school newsletter that all families need to be aware of.
We are confident that we have good procedures in place and are well prepared and equipped should there ever be a real emergency.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any queries.

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