Level 6 Transition

Level 6 Transition

Level 6 to Year 7

Moving from primary to secondary school is a big step for any young person. A new setting, new subjects, new teachers, new structures and new friends add up to some big new challenges. We want to help make that experience both comfortable and exciting. We have included the video below to assist both parents and children with this transition. It consists of real people, young and older talking about what it means, how to prepare and how to make the most of it.

 In Transit – From Primary to Secondary School

The link below from the Department of Education website provides tips and information on a broad range of topics relating to transition. Links to further resources and online content are also included to help you support your child’s learning journey.

 Moving From Primary to Secondary School

Level 6 to 7 Enrolment Information

Local Secondary Colleges

• Yarra Hills Secondary College: https://www.yarrahills.vic.edu.au
• Mooroolbark College: http://www.mooroolbarkcollege.vic.edu.au/
• Lilydale High School: http://www.lilydale.hs.vic.edu.au/
• Lilydale Heights College: http://www.lilydaleheights.vic.edu.au/
• Boronia K-12 College: http://www.boroniak-12.vic.edu.au/

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